First Avenue Club - where Prince performs (in) Purple Rain |
But now as the finale for our US 'Tour of Champions', it was time to visit my long time hero, 'His Horniness', Prince Rogers Nelson. I always recall my Grandpa referring to him as "…that randy little man" which I like to think Prince would have quite appreciated.
Neko performs "Under the Cherry Spoon" in Minneapolis |
Perhaps on this occasion, it'd be "Happy belated birthday"? (Two weeks late - his birthday is June 7th, same as my old cat).
Well... nothing says 'I love you Prince' like playing air geeetar in your nick nacks.
Actually, Prince has a very good sense of humour, and I figured if he was watching out of a window he'd probably find that quite funny, compared to all the rock journo's and fans in the world asking him, "Who was Darling Nikki?", or "Why didn't you release Camille and Sign 'O' the Times together?", or "Do you think your songs about God changed much after you'd got a whole lotta naughtiness out your system?" (I would actually like to know these).
If he'd actually answered the door, he may have retorted, "How would you like it if I turned up at your house in my panties and played air guitar in your front garden?"
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